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International Payments At Your Fingertips -
Safe, Secure and Fast

If you are a company or individual who buy or sell abroad you will save money versus using your bank. No matter if you're:

  • paying suppliers
  • buying or selling property overseas
  • importing goods
  • sending money abroad
  • making a one-off purchase...

...currently you are losing money on every payment unless you use Click 4 Currency for your foreign exchange.

As a Yorkshire based foreign exchange company, in true Yorkshire spirit we simply love giving you the greatest value for your every penny. Here's what you receive with us:

  • Consistent market leading exchange rates - saving you money
  • 100% safe and secure transactions - giving you total peace of mind
  • Friendly, personal service - ensuring you are taken great care of at all times
  • Fast payments, with speedy arrival into Europe, United States and Canada - so you quickly know your payment has landed
  • FCA authorised - for your added safety
  • Using SWIFT international payment systems - trusted worldwide
  • Funds stored with a regulated financial institution - so your payments always belong to you
  • Flexible - keeping an eye on the rates for you
  • Worldwide payments to almost any country in any currency - so the answer is "yes"
  • Professional and efficient - saving you time, money and hassle
  • No charges or fees on transfers over £7,500 and only £13.50 under £7,500 - saving you a further £10 to £20
  • Honest, ethical and fair - because there is no other way to do business

How You Are Currently Losing Out

You see, for every currency, there is an exchange rate in the market which changes from minute to minute. When you send money abroad using a bank, they take the market exchange rate at that moment, remove their 3, 4 or 5% and gives you a bad exchange rate instead.

For example, at this very moment the latest market exchange rate for the Euro to Pound is 1.2001. At this moment to send Euros, the bank would take the rate of 1.2001, take off 3% and instead give you a rate of 1.1641

What does this mean in pound note terms...?

  • If you wanted to send £10,000 as a Euro payment, instead of getting around 12,001 Euros for your money, you will get only 11,641 Euros - you lose the difference of 360 Euros (£300) of your money.
  • On a £100,000 payment, you lose 3,600 Euros (£3,000) of your money.

...every single time you make a payment.

A £10,000 payment, once a month for a year and that's around £3,600 banks take from you.

Below is a screen print taken a few days ago of the exchange rates from a leading high street bank. These are their best rates, for corporate customers:

Screenshot of the latest exchange rates being offered by a leading high street bank

Bank Exchange Rates: Corporate

Screenshot of the latest exchange rates being offered by a leading high street bank

From the above screenshot you can see the Euro quote from a few days ago. i.e. 1.188 / 1.1333. From these two rates, the true market rate midway between these two quotes is 1.1607. But if you want to buy Euros, the bank would only sell them to you at 1.1333, which is a massive 2.36% away from the mid-point market rate.

Bullet-proof Technology and Security for You

Above all else, the security of your funds is critically important. For the few short minutes your funds are with us they are held safely and securely with leading high-street banks.

What does "funds stored with a regulated financial institution" mean to you...? Under English law, this means your funds are legally protected for you and legally separate from Click 4 Currency's and The Currency Cloud's own business accounts. It is impossible for anyone else to claim against your 100% secure, ring-fenced funds.

Click 4 Currency is regulated by HM Revenue & Customs, under the Money Laundering Regulations 2003.

Click 4 Currency Limited is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), reference 576334.

Rest assured that we have all the very latest cutting edge technology, security, encryption and safeguards in place, so you can lay back, relax and be thrilled by the best exchange rates available in the market.

Frequently Asked Questions

So how does the process work from beginning to end...?

  • Step 1: before you can place your first order register here and minutes later you are active.
  • Step 2: You call us to get a live dealing rate.
  • Step 3: You approve the rate, we deal and you receive a PDF order acknowledgment 2 minutes later.
  • Step 4: You send us the funds to cover your transaction within 24 hours.
  • Step 5: As soon as your payment arrives, we send your converted funds to your chosen destination in permitted jurisdictions.

How are you able to buy currency cheaper than the bank...?

We cannot buy currency cheaper than the bank, in fact banks can buy it slightly cheaper than we can. The difference is, whatever rate the bank buys at, they take out their 3%, 4% or %5 and then give you this bad rate instead. We believe this is unfair to you and so we give you a much better deal.

How do the banks get away with these large hidden charges...?

Banks get away with these hefty hidden charges because they hope you will keep on doing it the way you have always done it.

Are you replacing the bank, i.e. do we have to move all our accounts and money over to Click 4 Currency...?

We are not replacing the bank and we do not offer banking facilities. You continue to keep all your existing bank accounts as you choose. All we do is replace the bank for international payments. You send us only the exact amount required to pay for the currency amount you want to send as a payment.

How are you able to offer better rates than the bank, are you doing it differently....?

We are buying currency in the same way as the banks. Banks have expensive high-street premises, thousands of employees and a huge advertising budget to support. By keeping our costs and overheads to a minimum, we are able to severely undercut the exchange rates banks give.

Are there any other hidden charges with you...?

On payments of £7,500 or over there are no costs, charges or commissions whatsoever. On payments under £7,500 we pass on the small charge that we incur in sending the international payment. The maximum of this charge is £15. There are no other costs or commissions at any time.

How long is my money with you...?

That depends on when you want the international payment to be made. If you want the payment to be made the same day, then we transmit your international payment within minutes of your funds arriving with us. We are guided by you.

Can you convert any currency...?

We can make or receive a payment in most freely traded currencies worldwide. The only currencies we cannot deal in are those where the country has imposed strict foreign exchange controls and do not allow their currency to be sent out of the country or brought into the country or those in noon-permitted jurisdictions.

How does Click 4 Currency make their money...?

Whereas the banks buy at a certain exchange rate and then take off and keep their 3 to 5%, Click 4 Currency takes off only a tiny fraction of a percent to cover our costs and overheads. Quite simply: this is much fairer to you.

If I have accounts in different currencies in the same country can I use Click for Currency to transfer funds between these accounts...?

Absolutely. As crazy as it seems, even if your two accounts are held at the very same bank in the same country, you will still make the same large saving by using Click 4 Currency to transfer between the two accounts. During a transfer, banks still take their 3 to 5% off the exchange rate even if they hold both your bank accounts.

How can I be sure what you're telling me is true...?

Do not believe a word we say without proof. There is one simple way to check it out: Call the bank now. Ask them for their exchange rate for your chosen currency. Call us and compare the two rates. You will be astonished - we guarantee it.

There must be some risk involved. Could I lose everything...?

With Click 4 Currency, there are no risks whatsoever, either to your funds, our funds or the bank's funds. Once you have ordered your required currency with us, the exchange rate is fixed on the spot and it does not matter which way the currency markets move afterwards.

And no matter what happens to Click 4 Currency, because your funds are securely held with a financial institution, under English Law, your funds are legally ring-fenced and protected from Click 4 Currency as a business and any of it's creditors.

Where do I send the funds so that Click 4 Currency can convert them...?

We use separate bank accounts in every major currency, so it depends on which currency you currently have. Once you have agreed a deal with us to buy your chosen currency, we will give you the correct bank account and sort code to send the payment to us.

Take the next simple step right now. It takes 1 minute and does not obligate you to anything. To get started, register here now.


Paul Handforth
Managing Director

P.S. No matter what exchange rate you are currently getting from your bank, we can beat it. Call now to get a free instant rate quote.


GBP Exchange Rates

Last updated October 15, 10:25 pm

EUR - 1.2001 USD - 1.3073 CAD - 1.8008 JPY - 195.0427 NZD - 2.1501 CHF - 1.1268

All rates shown are midpoint interbank exchange rates - for informational purposes only.
The rates on actual transactions are not as good as this. For a live dealing rate call now.

Currency Converter

I have: I want:

All rates shown are midpoint interbank exchange rates - for informational purposes only.
The rates on actual transactions are not as good as this. For a live dealing rate call now.